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southwest floRIDA air conditioning contractors assocIATION  

Joining SWACCA (Southwest Florida Air Conditioning Contractors Association) provides HVAC professionals with a unified voice to advocate for change at local, state, and federal levels. Membership offers unparalleled opportunities for networking, professional development, and staying updated on industry advancements. As a member, you can actively shape policies, connect with peers, and stay competitive to deliver exceptional service in the HVAC industry.

Who Are SWACCA Members?

SWACCA members include contracting firms from various segments of the HVAC industry, such as residential, commercial, new construction, industrial, and service and repair. Our members are located across Southwest Florida, representing professionals dedicated to maintaining the highest standards in the industry.

Membership Vetting Process

To ensure high standards and credibility, SWACCA carefully vets prospective members before they can be approved by the Board of Directors. During the membership review process, the following checks are conducted:

  • Better Business Bureau: Verification for any complaints against the company.
  • Federal Trade Commission: Checking for any past or ongoing cases involving the company.
  • Florida Division of Corporations: Confirming company registration.
  • Florida Department of Financial Services, Division of Workers' Compensation: Ensuring the company has workers' compensation coverage.
  • Department of Business and Professional Regulation: Verifying the state contractor's license.

These measures help maintain the reputation and credibility of SWACCA and its members.

Why Should I Become a Member?

  • Education and Training: Access workshops and training sessions covering essential technical and business topics to stay updated on industry codes, innovative operation techniques, and best practices.
  • Advocacy and Representation: Membership with SWACCA includes automatic enrollment in FRACCA (Florida Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Contractors Association), ensuring your voice is heard at the state level.
  • Networking Opportunities: Connect with the best in the industry. Learn and share strategies to enhance your business operations and industry standards.
  • Vendor Connections: Meet new vendors and associate members, creating opportunities for growth and partnerships.
  • Industry Updates: Stay informed on local issues, challenges, and developments through meetings with key partners, including legislators, county commissioners, building officials, and business leaders.
  • Discount Programs: Access special discounts and offers from industry partners.
  • Additional Benefits through Service Roundtable: Enjoy rebates on business expenses, special pricing offers, contractor-focused newsletters, customizable business forms, marketing templates, and more.
  • Explore the full range of benefits that come with being a SWACCA member by clicking here.

How Do I Become a Member?

Becoming a member of SWACCA is simple! Just click the "Join Now" button to fill out our easy online application to unlock exclusive benefits, networking opportunities, and valuable resources tailored to support your professional growth!

Membership Levels

Contractor – Level I Licensed contractor with 1 to 3 employees (Includes $100 for FRACCA State dues) $375
Contractor – Level II Licensed contractor with 4 to 9 employees (Includes $100 for FRACCA State dues) $475
Contractor – Level III Licensed contractor with 10 or more employees (Includes $100 for FRACCA State dues) $575
Contractor level memberships also include membership to FRACCA. SWACCA membership dues are not deductible as a charitable contribution for US Federal income tax purposes but may be deductible as an ordinary business expense.

Associate Member A vendor, Wholesaler, Insurance Company, and related trades or professions providing supplies, materials, and non-HVAC services. $575

Affiliate Member GOVERNMENT AGENCIES AND EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTIONS ONLY - Any person, firm, or organization whose primary business is related to HVAC/R but does NOT provide competing services or products with contractor or associate members i.e. government agencies and their employees, educators or educational institutions, trade, and professional associations. $175

SWACCA Annual Sponsorship

Looking for more exposure? Click here to learn more about 2024 Annual Sponsorship Opportunities.

State Affiliation

SWACCA is an affiliated chapter of the Florida Refrigeration Air Conditioning Contractors Association (FRACCA). Every contractor member of SWACCA is automatically a member of FRACCA and entitled to all the state benefits and privileges. Associate members of SWACCA are encouraged to make applications directly to FRACCA.

Whether it’s sharing industry news, providing educational programming, exchanging best practices on running a business or managing a FRACCA local chapter, legislative representation or involvement in state and local boards, FRACCA as an organization is there to help. FRACCA provides an Annual Education Conference in the spring of each year that provides continuing education credits.

For information on membership contact the FRACCA office at 407-676-0031 or or go to the website at

What Can We Do to Help?

History has shown that the strength of a community arises from working together to provide support not only in the immediate term but also throughout the process of rebuilding lives and livelihoods. Let us know what you need for yourself, your family, your employees, and your company.

Contact us at:

Phone: 239-893-9939

1181 S Sumter Blvd. #150
North Port, FL, 34287

Phone: 239 - 893 - 9939


Contact us to find out how your company can benefit by advertising on this website.
Phone: 239 - 893 - 9939

SWACCA is a 501(c)6 non-profit organization. Copyright ©  All Rights Reserved.

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